Dia de Nino – October 2014

Dia de Nino

By Michael J. Miller, Jr.  October 2014

“ …how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

Matthew 7:11

Hey, where is the step ladder to face this giant?!?

Hey, where is the step ladder to face this giant?!?

Yummm! Hot dogs and coke.

Yummm! Hot dogs and coke.

This is one of five classrooms showing off their gift bags

This is one of five classrooms showing off their gift bags

I'm not looking for candy for myself, I don't need it.

I’m not looking for candy for myself, I don’t need it.










Every year the country of Honduras celebrates the “Dia de Nino”. We however wait until the last weekend to celebrate this day even though it is dedicated to the 10th of September. We do this so the children can participate in a series of celebrations the country, churches and communities host. We prepare for this day all year long by collecting toys, crayons, coloring books, and so much more from our teams that visit us from the States to make gift bags for the children as seen in the 3rd photo. (Bags say: “He Lives”) Actually the gift bags were given by our Elmira College team. The ministry donates 5 piñatas full of candy to be given to the children as seen in the 1st and last photos. It is always fun to watch the kids smack, hit, and crack open the piñatas. I love watching some of the candy come out in crumbs because of the beating it took. We make sure we bless the 125 children with hot dogs, games, and craft projects. They have caught onto our trick in waiting because the entire month of September they bug us in when is the BBM Dia de Nino?  For them it is the biggest party of their lives. This is what we love, being a blessing to so many with so much fun. This is why our kids keep coming back every Saturday. They learn about God, learn to have fun in a safe environment and the parents love it because they trust us with their children. Actually some of the parents tell us that their children start to get excited by Thursday and tell their moms we need to get ready for Saturday because Michael and Glenda are coming to play. Thank you for allowing us to make an impression on these lives and hopefully in yours as well.