Can We Feed This Many Children?


In feeding the 5,000 the disciples asked the Lord how can we feed so many people with so little? I believe the parents of Barrio Rincon had the same idea in mind when they asked us, “Can we feed this many children”? After many meetings Glenda and I have had with parents. Countless hours of planning it came down to the first day. Would everything work that we planned and if not will the program continue. May 3, 2010 was the first day for our lunch program. We are told by the director of the Venezuelan school that this is a first in Francisco Morazon and for Tegucigalpa the capitol on Honduras. A first as in cooking and serving hot meals in a public school. The mothers met and not everything worked as planned but they did get the meals out. We want to tell our story with photos and explanation. It is much easier to do this than writing plus it makes in much more interesting. We will make this into two parts.

It is has been a passion of ours and many of you back home to see these children receiving a hot meal instead of eating junk food and soda. The parents were nervous in how they could cook for such a quantity, with a very tight budget, and with the sacks of food that was provided by the government.
If you blow this picture up to see the writing you can make out the menu by grade and by each day. Each grade made a committee to be in charge of forming cooking teams for the 5 days they need to cook. They had to form the menu, a list of donations that will be given by those mothers who work and also how to work with $10.58 a day. This $10.58 is to purchase spices, milk, etc. that is needed for cooking.

By the direction of the Holy Spirit and listening to our hearts we decided to hire a person to help organize and teach the mothers how to cook for 200 students. Not everyone wakes up and is prepared for a task as this. Mario above in this photo is a friend of ours and brother of Kairos Honduras. He and I have cooked for our Kairos weekends for numerous years and I felt comfortable with him to show the women how to organize themselves and not be so nervous. Another job of Mario’s was to prepare a list that we have printed and will post for the women in how many pounds of beans, rice, etc they will need to cook each meal. Mario also refined the menu so it was in budget.
Meet our first brave mothers. We had only 3 shows up but they were excited to be the first to cook for the children. After the first day we started to receive teams of 7 to help cook and clean.

There is a lot of preparation that is needed before the following day. Beans need to be cooked for at least 4 hours or more on high heat. Then they must be cooled for the following day. Just like making the tortillas. The government provides the corn not the meal. So the women must sort through the corn, wash the corn, and drain it. They it must be taken to someone in the Barrio to mill the corn into a flour. Then you can start making your tortillas. This was something the women learned quickly. The old Honduran time and thinking had to be changed to a modern style of thinking and planning.

We do want to say thank you to all of you who sponsor us, this ministry, the teams, and special donations and prayers for this project.