Team #30 – Victory Highway Wesleyan – August 7-17, 2014

Victory Highway August Team

by Michael J. Miller, Jr.

1Chronicles 29:17

“I know, my God that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you.”

Team 30 1Team 30 2Team 30 3Team 30 4










All construction aside every team member comes to Honduras or goes on a mission trip to find answers for their lives. All year long and with every construction team we would have devotion time together and I would ask one very tough question. “Why are you here?” Every day after I would lead up with another question in stretching each person on team to think, reflect, and ask those piercing questions that they would otherwise ignore at home and leave unanswered. I think this is why so many come back and or come after hearing testimonies from past team members. Installing drywall, sanding sheetrock, painting classrooms and all the construction that was done with this team was not the only reason in why they were here in Honduras. It was building relationships by spending time with each other. It was coloring at night and putting a message on the coloring page and giving it to a child at school as seen in the bottom photo. It was to find the “Fire of the Spirit” that John the Baptist promised to all the believers’ that Jesus would bring and give to us from the day of Pentecost on. Yes this team accomplished so much and worked so hard in finishing up all that was expected from them but they walked away with wonder, with more expectations when they went home and with presence of the Holy Spirit. Three of the team members received Jesus Christ as their Savior.  Many were blessed with the manifestation of the Holy Spirit to ask me one question; “How can I feel this more often while I’m home.”

This is why they are here. To go back home and tell all those why you believe in the King of Kings and why they Love God. To use the Holy Spirit in manifesting it in others as it was in them.

So, why aren’t you here?